Monday, May 7, 2012

Judge DeSalvo

Anna Fitzgerald is fighting for medical emancipation from her parents, whom for the most part want her to donate a kidney to her sister Kate Fitzgerald to prolong her gradually depleting life. This situation is highly volatile as a kidney may or may not save Kate's life, but with both outcomes at Anna's expense. For the most part, I can see that Anna's mother, Sara Fitzgerald, has put up some very solid points in her case, however, Anna is also putting up some good arguments, despite having said very little in her part. As Anna's mother and her own lawyer, I can see that Sara is very conflicted on the matter, hence she is unable to effectively make a rational decision regarding either of her daughters' health. Anna has allegedly spoken with Kate in the past about this situation, while Sara has not asked for Kate's opinion on the matter to begin with. Therefore, it is decided that I will rule this case in Anna's favor.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Holocaust Denial (in general)

Denial of the Holocaust and all that is related to it is nothing more than people using their right to question historical facts and lessons. Despite substantial evidence supporting the Holocaust's existence, however, people still deny that something even remotely similar occurred around that time period, claim the documents are forgeries, and claim that the survivors are nothing more than posers; this is a prime example of willing ignorance in the face of cold, hard truths. It is alright for people to question the authenticity of certain historical events, but when provided with evidence supporting the historical era, only nonsensical excuses and overused, misunderstood arguments are able to even remotely combat such truth. People choose to deny things simply because they don't wish to believe something like that occurred or because they simply do not like the involved parties.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Holocaust Reflection(?)

Human life is a precious resource for anyone to have and an absolute necessity on any sort of scale. What could give one faction the right to start committing genocide on another simply because they want someone to blame? Taking the life of another being is not a choice for someone to make, no matter who or what they are, but they do it anyway. Not just the Holocaust was completely trivial, but the entire war was completely trivial. Germany was already going through a hard time, so what made them think that hysteria and hype coming from an unstable man would give them the strength to overrule the world? The same goes for the Japanese; why attack your former source of resources when you are already fighting on another front and your resource provider is a powerful country? It can just go to show how much desperation in a country can overtake the populace and force them to make radical decisions.Sure, both of those countries knew what they were trying to do and believed they could do it, but they were ultimately fighting a losing war regardless of how fearsome and relentless their military was. When the single most powerful country in the world is fighting against you with allies backing them up, it will more than likely end up becoming a losing war. Why throw the lives of your people away like that; why risk facing complete and total loss for something that will work itself out?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapter 10 Thing

To be completely honest, I don't ever remember thinking any differently of my parents at any point in my life. I've always held the same opinion of them over all my years of existence, simply looking at the same opinion in a different light each time (if ever). This is one of the moments where I don't really care what to think of them, as they've always looked out for me unconditionally, so why bother thinking anything else other than they're my parents? It's one of those delicate situations where speaking your mind can get you in trouble or cause a little bit of a commotion at least. In other words, I don't think about this because I don't really care in the slightest or I just don't like talking about other people that much.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Experiences: Mockingbird

I wouldn't have met any of them seeing as how I didn't meet anyone else in my neighborhood when I was younger. My days consisted of staying indoors playing video games and watching T.V. all day long. On another note, my neighborhood is dangerous if you aren't prepared, so my mother preferred me indoors considering some young girl about my age was abducted on the same street as ours some years ago. In other words, I'm not going to make up a story about how I went of adventures with those kids.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lottery Amendment

I'd probably add an amendment that protects the free rights of the internet. For years, the internet has been a place for the freedom of speech without fear of retribution and I'd like to keep it like that. Some people within the government have been trying to find ways to strike down the pirates (someone who illegally seeds and leeches software, movies, games, etc.) online. However, the bills that were proposed were so vague on what pirating was that it would actually cut down a majority of innocent sites and users. It's for the purpose of stopping these attempts to censor the internet that I would propose an amendment that would give the internet the freedom of being managed and regulated by the users of the world rather than a few government officials. Pirates will always find ways to perform their duties no matter what stands in their way, and the internet is doing great without government regulation, so why not keep it like that?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Prepare for a jumbled mess of thoughts.

I honestly don't wish I could believe in anything I don't believe in now. When I did believe in whatever it was I believed in, I guess I could say that there was some comfort in it, but not now. To put it simply, there's a reason why I don't believe in it now. If anything else, I don't really care whether or not I believe in anything right now - just believing in something without any backbone to the belief isn't very wise, nor is it worth any significant amount of time. Just believing in something won't make much of a difference unless you act upon that belief (which most people don't do).